It’s not too late to join Don and me this weekend at the SSCA Gathering of Mariners (GAM). You don’t need to be salty to listen to Donna Lange talk about solo circumnavigating twice or kick up your heels to the Eastport Oyster Boys playing with a rolicking fire at Camp Letts. You can do just that for $25 per person; register here!
We’re starting with a Friday evening dingy raft up potluck on the Rhode River, and S/V Enjoy will be the anchor boat. This is open to all folks and is no charge, just bring something to share.
We have a start line up of experience folks talking for only $55 per person including Monty and Sara Lewis on sailing the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos, and Matt Rutherford on cruising the Arctic. Lin Pardey brings tried and true counsel on keep relationships working well afloat. Double technical seminars will be offered by weather expert Lee Chesneau and diesel mechanic Aric Euler. Bryan Marshall will speak about designing for A/C, Dave Skolnick on Selecting Crew and Communications Alternatives, and insurance expert Rick Bagnall on health care options. Donna Ferron from USCG Auxiliary will give a Flare demonstration; and Bosun Chris Runt USCG will update us on changes to Aids to Navigation (ATON).
Then, we have three panels focusing on: Why Rallies with Sherry & Dave McCampbell and Tracy & Greg Leonard; Sailing into the Sunset Years with Suzanne Longacre, John Gideonse, Ruth and Herb Weiss, and Sherry & Dave McCampbell; and, Communications, Radio & Ham preparation with Bill Trayfors, Dave Skolnick, and Scott Berg prior to the Ham exams. The full schedule is posted on the website.